We are a supportive housing community providing safe, sober environments for those who are choosing to live a new way of life. To do so, they first start by designing their new path, get support from their peers and begin the next phase of their lives. The homes of Amethyst Landing provide serene, uplifting spaces.
Best location.
Within a 15-minute walk are over 100 12-Step meetings per week. Within 5 minutes you will find Sprouts grocery store, 711, library, churches (4), boutique shops, dentists, hair salons, coffee shops, restaurants, automotive repair shop, thrift store, professional services, post office and Dept. of Motor Vehicles.
Balboa Park, the largest urban cultural park in North America is also 20 minutes away, filled with cultural treasures, architectural grandeur, stunning gardens & award-winning performing arts and 17 museums with a different museum open free to the public on Tuesdays.